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Emergency Procedures

At least five (5) emergency preparedness drills will occur during the school year including at least: three (3) fire drills, one (1) earthquake drill and one (1) lockdown drill.

Before school, between classes and after school

In the event that any evacuation occurs before or after classes and students are not under the direct supervision of a staff member then all SD 47 employees become responsible for any students around them and must follow the processes outlined below as closely as possible. Attendance will be done by way of a 'sign-in' process and the 'sign-in' list, including the employees name and location must be forwarded to the command centre. The wooden Brooks sign at the front of the school is our command centre.

Evacuation (fire, bomb threats, chemical spills)

Students must follow the teacher in single file - single file becomes very critical if there is a blockage and a change of direction is needed. Be prepared to find an alternate path if the nearest exit is blocked. When the alarm rings the teacher should:

  • direct the class to line up - with the teacher at the head of the line,
  • shut down all equipment if possible,
  • take a spare class list, attendance records and highlighter and, if available, a first aid kit
  • lead the class into the hall and out of the school by the nearest safe exit (map provided).
  • If another class is passing in front of you, please halt until the class has passed.
  • Move away from the building, cross the road circling the building but do not leave school property.
  • Assemble the class in an open space away from cars.
  • Check your attendance, highlight any students who are absent (ie. the student was in attendance but did not arrive at the assembly area) on the spare class list and send a runner to the Command Area (in front of the wooden Brooks school sign at the front of the school) with the list. Send a runner even if all your students are accounted for. At very least we need either a list of names or an "all accounted for" note.
  • Keep emergency vehicle access routes clear.
  • Wait for the re-entry signal - a p.a. notice, 4 or more consecutive bongs or by verbal/visual contact.

Students Not in a Class

Follow any class or teacher to the assembly area and have a teacher add you as present on their attendance list. These students are to wait with the class they have adopted and follow the teacher's instructions.

Teachers on Preps or Who do not Enroll Classes 

Assist any classes needing help and prevent re-entry into the school until the signal has been given.

Office Staff

Please take records (PSR cards, class lists, staff list) and money to the Command Center Area (in front of the wooden Brooks school sign at the front of the school) along with pencils/paper/pens.


Take available emergency equipment such as radios, megaphones, and supplies and go to the Command Center and start the process. Line of authority at the Command Center: J. Marshman, M. Doyle or L. Gunn, J. Scarpelli, C. Adam. The VP will be responsible for having a timetable with them to check attendance from.


  • A p.a. announcement will be issued: "We are experiencing an earthquake". Until the tremors stop stay inside, stay away from windows and exterior walls. Get under a desk or table and hang on. Protect your head and shoulders".
  • In the case of an earthquake count to 60 slowly; earthquakes and aftershocks rarely lasts longer than 60 seconds and counting is calming.
  • Students in the hallways are to immediately enter the nearest open room – classroom, bathroom, office, etc. and take cover.
  • Move away from windows, shelves and heavy objects that may fall. Move away from bookshelves, especially in the library. In shops and labs avoid hazardous materials and equipment.
  • If you're in the open during an earthquake assume the "crash" position on knees, with head down and hands clasped on back of neck or head covered with book or jacket.
  • In halls, stairways, and other areas where no cover is available, move to an interior wall, kneel with back to wall, place head close to knees, clasp hands behind neck, cover side of head with arms
  • In science labs, food labs and the kitchen extinguish all burners, if possible, before taking cover; stay away from hazardous chemicals.
  • If the school is to be evacuated, directions will come to the classrooms via the p.a. system. If there is no PA or alarm it could be due to a power failure so stay inside; usually the most dangerous place is just outside where building debris may fall; exit only after shaking has stopped. See the guidelines for evacuation above.
  • Attendance will be taken after the drill or event is over. Missing students should be reported to the office. If all students are present send a note with your name and room number indicating that all are present.

Intruder/Stranger Lockdown 

  • A p.a. announcement will be issued : "Lockdown, Lockdown". "Lock your classroom door, turn off the lights and close the windows and blinds/drapes".
  • Move away from windows so that you are not visible from outside or the hallway.
  • Students in the hallways are to enter the nearest room and join that class.
  • Take cover under a table or desk or in a corner.
  • Remain quiet and stay off your cell phones.
  • Students in the washrooms should get into a stall, lock it and keep head and feet from being visible.
  • Do not respond to a fire alarm if we are in a lock down situation; chances are it was pulled by the intruder.
  • Attendance will be taken after the drill or event is over. Missing students should be reported to the office. If all students are present send a note with your name and room number indicating that all are present.

If a lockdown occurs outside of class time, teachers and students:

  • in classrooms are to remain there
  • in the hallways are to immediately enter the nearest open room.
  • outside of the building are not to re-enter the building.

Bomb Threats

Should you receive a bomb threat telephone call please attempt to do the following:

  • Keep a calm voice. Read the phone dial display and record the number.
  • Ask questions as to where, when, type of device, and why.
  • Take notes about the information, voice type, gender, or anything else you can notice.
  • Attract another staff member's attention so you can get them to find an administrator.
  • Do not inform students deliberately or by conducting public conversations with staff in front of students.
  • Do not hang up the phone or put the caller on hold.
  • The administration will:
  • contact the R.C.M.P.
  • evaluate the situation to determine the course of action.
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