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Parent Advisory Council

All parents and guardians are automatically part of our JT PAC and have a voice in all PAC related activities. The election of PAC officers is held each June for the following year and all positions are for a one year term. The PAC holds monthly meetings in the school library. The dates and times of these meetings are announced in the newsletter. Please support your PAC by attending monthly meetings and let your voice be heard. Without parent support PAC programs will suffer or disappear.

For up-to-date information on programs and activities, as well as ways to get involved. Like us on Facebook at

JT PAC Executive 2022-2023

Presidents: Lindsay Doubt, Rachel Harriman

Treasurer: Jason Gow

Secretary: Megan Kaukas

Pac Email: jamesthomsonpac@gmail.com

Parent Volunteers

Parents are a vital part of our Learning Community. We value their presence and assistance throughout James Thomson. We appreciate volunteers who offer their time, assistance and expertise to make learning more enjoyable and beneficial.

The following guidelines were developed to assist volunteers at JT.

  • The use of volunteers in the classroom is at the teacher's discretion.
  • A volunteer is defined as a person who assists with James Thomson related activities. The volunteer works with teachers, other members of the staff and/or PAC. The relationship is a professional one, one of mutual respect and confidence.
  • The classroom teacher is responsible for education program content and learning strategies, and therefore volunteers may carry out tasks such as working with a group of children, photocopying, assisting with field trips etc.
  • Volunteers may ensure the safety and well being of the students, but must report discipline concerns to JT personnel who will deal with them.
  • Volunteers respect the rights of others. Parents, staff and students have the right to respect, privacy and to confidentiality. Should you have concerns regarding your children and their involvement in activities taking place, please fell free to discuss your concerns with the child's teacher and/or the principal.
  • Volunteers express any differences of opinions to staff privately.
  • Volunteers do not compare and/or criticize staff and/or students.
  • Please become familiar with the general operation of JT, e.g. bell times, Code of Conduct, dismissal procedures, etc., so you may work within these guidelines and provide a positive role model to the children.
  • Volunteers are asked to be punctual and reliable as students and teachers rely on volunteers.

Our Learning Community

JT is a place for all sorts of learning. The staff take great pains to provide a well-balanced program of learning to address every student's strengths and talents. James Thomson PAC has played an active and supportive role at JT for many years and enjoys a strong and committed bond with both staff and administration. Our parents are unceasing in their time and energy to support the school and provide many opportunities for students that would otherwise be unavailable.

James Thomson Staff and PAC are proud of the many programs they provide for students:

  • Breakfast program
  • Cross Country Training
  • Extra curricular sports
  • Book Fairs
  • House System
  • Silent Auction
  • Recycling
  • Hot lunch
  • May Day
  • Trash Busters
  • Carnival
  • Literacy Day
  • Field Trips
  • Team Uniforms
  • Soap Box Derby
  • Playground Equipment
  • Christmas Concerts
  • Music Festival - Choral and Speech arts
  • Drama
  • Home Reading - Book Bags
  • Parent Appreciation Tea
  • Christmas Craft Day
  • Student Call Back Safety program
  • Buddy Reading
  • Swimming Program (Grade Three)
  • Choir
  • Terry Fox Run
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Student Leaders
  • Ambassadors

Related Information

September 2013


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