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Successful online learners are:

  • Self-motivated
  • Goal oriented
  • Good time managers
  • Computer literate
  • Comfortable working alone and with others
  • Good at creating/following a course completion plan 

and remember to:

  • Take a 5 to 10 minute break every 20 to 30 minutes
  • Create a quiet, organized workspace
  • Keep in regular contact with their teacher(s)         

Students are expected to:

  • Complete the course(s) by the end of the school year for K-9 students and by the expected completion date indicated on the Student Learning Plan for grade 10-12 students
  • Make continuous progress in their coursework throughout the year
  • Ask for help from their parents and/or teacher if they're 'stuck' 

Parents/caregivers also play a key role in ensuring success for OL students.  A starting point is to ensure that your child has access to the necessary technology for an online course. Students also need adequate time and an appropriate place to study and learn. Also, helping to facilitate ongoing communication between the student and the teacher(s), and encouraging students to regularly engage in their coursework, are the most important ways a parent can contribute to their child's success.   

Our goal is to engage students with their coursework, teachers and school. We believe that enhanced communication and interaction will directly support student success.  The asynchronous, independent and distant nature of online learning should be supplemented with tutorial support, real-time communication and lots of encouragement from parents and teachers. We truly strive to create partnerships between the student, parent(s)/caregiver(s) and school staff to help facilitate the best possible learning environments for our students. 

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