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Hand Book

General Procedures


Evaluation of student progress is reported on according to Ministry of Education requirements.

  • two informal and three formal report cards are issued each year
  • informal reports may be conferences or written reports
  • formal report cards are issued in November, March and June

Please contact your child's teacher(s) anytime you wish to discuss your son or daughter's progress in person, by telephone or by email.

Services for Students

Students may benefit from a variety of services offered by the school and School District #47.

  • Counselling
  • Learning Assistance
  • Individual Education Plans for students with identified needs
  • Gifted programs
  • Speech and language services
  • Early intervention program and kindergarten screening
  • Links to community services through the Ministry of Families

Daily Routines For Students

Recess & Lunchtime

  • All students remain on the grounds during recess break
  • Van Anda students may go home for lunch
  • hot lunch is served once a week by volunteer parents

After school

  • students required to stay after school will phone home
  • Students who wish to go to a destination other than home after school must have a note of permission or a phone call of permission from a parent


Bus ridership privileges are based on applications to the District for regular service for students in Grades 1 to 3 who live outside a 4 km walk limit and for students in grades 4 to 12 who live outside of a 4.8 km walk limit. Courtesy bus passes may be issued for other students based on availability for seating.

The school's code of conduct applies to all students who ride the bus and who wait at school bus stops. Respect for drivers' obligations to provide a safe ride to and from school by meeting District rules for conduct ensures a safe and pleasant journey for all. Disciplinary consequences including suspension of bus rider ship will be applied when continued breaches of the rules occur.

All students ride the bus on occasion and should be aware of expectations for behaviour on the bus

  • remain seated whenever the bus is moving; face the front of the bus
  • sit in your seat, not in the aisle; face the front of the bus
  • put nothing out the window - arms, heads, paper or garbage
  • use appropriate voices and language only
  • leave no messes on the bus
  • bring no food or drink on the bus
  • students may board and disembark the bus at any stops with permission of their parents
  • students must share seats with others
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